True Siamese Algae Eater - Crossocheilus siamensis

SKU: 208052
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F90 0022 2105

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The True Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) is one of the most popular algae eaters, especially to help control nuisance algaes in planted aquariums, although they will eat other foods including flakes and pellets. Its similarity to others in its genus can lead to confusion with its identification however and the "true" Crossocheilus siamensis is not available often. This species has a black stripe running from the tip of its head all the way through its tail.

Crossocheilus algae eaters are native to high-flow rivers and streams and need a steady current and high oxygen levels to thrive in the aquarium. They do not tolerate subpar water conditions with high nitrate and dissolved organics so water parameters must be maintained pristine.

These fish are true algae eaters and graze on the surface of the substrate, plants and decor. They will also feed on the nuisance "Black Beard Algae" plaguing some systems. Their diet should consist of plant matters like Spirulina flakes or wafers and fresh veggies like peas or zucchini as well as algae growing in the aquarium. They will eat other foods like flakes and pellets but avoid high protein (ie. meaty) diets.


F90 0022 2105
That Fish Place
Common NameTrue Siamese Algae Eater
Scientific NameCrossocheilus siamensis
Max Size (in inches)6.25
Community SafeYes
pH Range6.5-7.5
DietOmnivore (mostly plants)
Min Tank Size (in gallons)55
Temperature Range75-78
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


Ratings & Reviews

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True Siamese Algae Eaters


Came in great and did well. They seem to be doing the job that I bought them for, eating the black hair algae in my tank!

Siamese Algae Eaters


Arrived alive and in good condition. They do nibble on black algae but they'll eat cucumbers, zucchini and fish food as well.

Siamese Algae Eaters


Came in the day after I ordered. Arrived very healthy and adjusted to the community immediately. They have severely reduced the Black Beard Algae in the tank.

True Siamese Algae Eater


They were delivered timely and in good health. They came in separate bags exactly as I requested because they were going into different tanks. It took them about a week to do any algae eating, but they now have done a nice job of cleaning up the hair algae. They are very cute and one likes to school with my large school of rummy nose tetras!

True Siamese Algae eaters


Arrived alive, very healthy, and settled right in. Only problem is they don't do much eating of the hair algae i bought them for. They seem to eat most anything else except live plants. My otocinclus eat as much of it as they do, very odd

Great purchase!!!


Extremely pleased with my order of 6 Siamese algae eaters. They are all very healthy and have acclimated to my tank nicely. Shipping process was smooth and package arrived on time tightly packed inside a heated enclosure, due to cold weather conditions. Thanks again! You’ve got my attention.