Aquarium Lily - Nymphaea sp.

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SKU: 198807
Manufacturer: That Fish Place

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Aquarium Lilies (Nymphaea sp.) are dramatic middle and background plants for the aquarium, terrarium or palladium. They will produce tall, floating leaves of mottled green and red as well as small submerged leaves. They occasionally grow a flower that blooms at night above the water level. Pruning the floating leaves will help to keep the plant compact.

Lilies are very heavy root feeders and need a nutrient rich soil and benefit from extra fertilizers. Take care when planting these plants in a tank with snails or other algae eaters as the delicate leaves can be easily eaten or damaged.

Please note: This lily is typically sold as a tuber with no or very small leaves. The leaves will grow when established in an aquarium.


That Fish Place
Common NameAquarium Lily- LG
Scientific NameNymphaea sp.
Plant pH6.5-7.5
Growth RateModerate
Light IntensityModerate to High
Water HardnessSoft
Temperature Range72-80
FlowersBlooms above water level
DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Internal Id


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