Purple-tipped Green Wall Hammer Coral - Euphyllia ancora
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Hammer corals get their name from unique hammer or horseshoe shaped tips on the tentacles that they use to filter feed and as a home for its symbiotic zooxanthallae algae. It is one of the easier large-polyp hard corals that many aquarists "graduate" to after polyps and mushrooms. Branching Hammer corals ( Euphyllia parancora) have distinctly branched skeletons, with well formed heads of polyps while Wall Hammer Corals (Euphyllia ancora) have a more solid structure that grows in a wall or boulder-like shape. When fully extended, the Hammer coral can resemble an anemone and a clownfish may sometimes attempt to host in the tentacles and may damage the coral. The tentacles on Hammer Coral colonies can range anywhere from tan or golden yellow to more rare colonies of bright green.
These corals are aggressive in that the tentacles can extend several inches and carry a powerful sting. Do not allow these corals to come in contact with other corals, as they can easily kill weaker stinging specimens. Hammer Corals should be oriented so that the tissue of the coral is facing the light, provide medium to strong lighting, and random water movement. Some form of invertebrate food is recommended to be added once or twice a week.
Specifications | |
MPN | 928-wallhammer |
Manufacturer | That Fish Place |
Common Name | Purple-tipped Green Wall Hammer Coral |
Scientific Name | Euphyllia ancora |
Origin | Indo-Pacific |
Water Movement | Moderate |
Aggressiveness | Moderate to High |
Light Intensity | Moderate to High |
Difficulty | Moderate |
Specific Gravity Range | 1.022-1.026 |
pH Range | 8.0-8.4 |
Temperature Range | 75-78 |
Water Hardness | 8-12 dKH |
Internal Id | 30930 |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |