Anubias barteri var. 'nana' - Small

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SKU: 208925
Manufacturer: That Fish Place

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Often referred to simply as Anubias nana, this plant is a cultivated variation of the popular Anubias barteri. It stays much smaller in height than other Anubias plants and has very round leaves. It is suitable as a foreground or midground plant.

Anubias plants are native to Africa, although many different varieties, variations and hybrids have been created. The genus contains eight different species and several variations, most often of the as a whole generally consists of plants with darker green, very thick leaves that can be elliptical, triangular, round or heart-shaped.

Anubias are fairly forgiving and adaptable. Most are best in lower light aquariums and may be overtaken by algae in tanks with higher lighting. They can also be grown in paludariums with their leaves exposed and the root systems underwater. They can tolerate higher pH and hardness levels, making them suitable for African cichlid aquariums. Anubias grow slowly in aquariums but may have more rapid growth in paludariums. Carbon dioxide and fertilizer supplements can be used but are not usually necessary.

The roots on Anubias plants grow from a stiff, thick rhizome. When planting, plant only the roots and leave the rhizome exposed. Anubias can also be attached to rocks or driftwood; use fishing line or other ties to secure the plant in place until the roots attach.

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That Fish Place
Common NameNana - Small
Scientific NameAnubias barteri var. `nana`
Originwestern Africa (cultivated)
Plant pH6.0-8.0
Growth RateSlow
Light IntensityLow to Moderate
Water HardnessModerate to Hard
Temperature Range72-80
SubstrateHard (gravel, rock or wood)
FlowersYes, white flowers
Internal Id

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Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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